Meet Wendy Fogarty, IAVA’s newest member. We asked Wendy a few getting to know you questions.
What was your earliest memory of an interaction with Art?
My early experience with art was with my parents who had an artist knock on their door oneday asking for an appointment to showcase his art. My parents ended up saying yes, as they had a wall space empty in the living room that needed something special. When the artist came back one evening shortly after with all his art on display in our living room, I was invited and encouraged to actively be involved in the selection process which I found fun and interesting. After much deliberation and shortlisting, we chose an oil mix media landscape image of trees in a lush forest with a waterfall that is still to this day on my parents living room wall and in the same place as we first hung it on that night we purchased it. I remember being impressed with the range of his artwork (which were mostly semi abstract landscapes), how it could be styled within the home and how he talked about his art with such passion and detail.
My first interaction with creating art was during my primary school years where during school holidays and winter months I would occupy myself exploring all sorts of art and craft projects including sewing, knitting and crochet. My parents had a library of books and somewhere on art and craft so I would actively experiment and teach myself. I was always making a mess and creating something new.
My interest in art grew deeper though in my high school years where I had the opportunity to study art as my main elective for a number of years. While I was interested in learning about art history and exploring lots of different art techniques and materials, it was drawing, painting and photography that appealed and stuck with me the most. In fact I often reflect upon creating my first large abstract painting as a major works and how far I've progressed since then on my artistic journey.
How would you describe your art practice? (Media; influences, approach?)
I'm an abstract artist with a strong environmental statement. I'm influenced by nature (colour, tone, texture, depth and light) and its interaction with seasonal change, weather conditions and structure.
With a curious and adventurous mind, I enjoy foraging and gathering inspiration from nature which could be sketches, photographs or samples collected. I take my foraging back to my art studio and collate and develop my production plans.
My art is produced through collections in various mediums such as oil mixed media paintings, Photographic limited edition archival quality giclee prints, collages and textiles. I create and deliver my art with broader design and styling in mind.
Do you have a favourite artist and/or artwork? What is it that makes them your favourite?
My favourite famous abstract expressionist artist is Jackson Pollock who is known for Action Painting, a style that emphasizes the process of making art often through a variety of techniques that include dripping, dabbing, smearing and evening flinging paint onto the surface of a canvas directed by the artist's sense of control interacting with change or random occurrences. It’s about direct, instinctual, and highly dynamic kind of art that involves the spontaneous application of vigorous, sweeping brushstrokes and the chance effects of dripping and spilling paint onto the canvas.
I particularly like his artwork 'Convergence" (1952) as it’s a brilliant textured abstraction featuring a wide array of contrasting bright and dark colours intertwined with intricate shapes, creating a captivating and mysterious visual experience. His art is interesting, intriguing and mesmerising, it can be individually interpreted and turned around to be displayed in any format and across many types of mediums.
Jackson Pollock's art inspires me to be creative in how I approach my art, push boundaries and not worry so much about structure and conformity while focusing more on my own creative self-expression without worrying so much about what others think as art appeal is something that is very individual for everyone.
Actually, I'm interested in anything and everything abstract so there are many great artists in the abstract and visual arts space that I follow who constantly inspire and motivate me. With an eye for colour, texture and light coupled with a curious mind I'm constantly searching, experimenting and learning as an artist. The more I learn the more I love being creative and developing my own unique stye within the abstract category of art.
Most recent adventure or achievement?
In February 2023 I did my First Solo exhibition over 3 days with a series of artist talks as closure on completing my first collection that involved a body of work I undertook over 5 years. I also started participating in 'artist markets' as a stall holder. These were both goals and brave next steps to take as an emerging artist as you're really putting yourself out there as an artist physically in front of your own art and talking to people who tell you what they like about your art and style. It was a great rewarding milestone achievement to push through.
Any current goals you’re working towards?
I'm currently working on releasing my second collection of works titled the 'Fluidity Collection' that focuses on abstract distorted water reflections. It's not as big as the first collection so I'm hoping to have the collection fully released by the end of the year and then look to hold my second solo exhibition in 2025. After that I'll be moving onto developing and releasing my third collection which is already in the very early stages of development.
I'm also hoping to secure an artist residence opportunity to help me focus on producing a sub body of work within my current collection I'm working on that leads onto exhibition opportunities. I'm interested in presenting my work across a broader range of mediums so it's something I would like the focused time and space to work on.
In addition, I'm also interested in getting a website up and running to showcase my art, enter and win some awards and gain my exposure through more online and gallery exhibitions opportunities with like minded artists.
Wendy Fogarty in her Studio.