Melissa Ritchie is a figurative artist with a keen interest in portraiture. Her paintings are vivid, colourful and full of life. Often using a sense of irony to create comedic themes, and are a quirky twist on the traditional portrait. With 15 years experience as a graphic designer and a commercial art director, Melissa has a strong understanding of artistic design, typography and creative genres. She uses symbolism, intricate detailing and humour to engage the viewer in a story about the subject of her art pieces.
She has been a finalist in many major portrait prizes including the Archibald Prize, Portia Geach Memorial Award, The Kilgour Prize, The Shirley Hannan Prize for Portraiture, The Black Swan Portrait Prize and The Percival Portrait Painting Prize. She has also had works selected for The Flanagan Art Prize and the Sunshine Coast Art Prize.
Melissa was a featured artist on the Australian TV series “Colour in your Life” which is now showcased in several countries over the world including New Zealand, Singapore, Europe and the United States, plus is available on You Tube. As an artist it is important to portray the world around you with a certain level of intellectual insight. But on an equal level, I believe it is important to give a certain amount of pleasure to the eye of the beholder.
Artists Statement
My portraits are a satirical celebration of the sitter. My art reflects the wonderful personalities of my subjects, in a playful, but respectful way. I want people to view my paintings with a glint in their eye and a smirk on their face.