Susan McAlIster

Artist Statement
I work mainly in clay creating figurative sculpture. I firstly model a human form then when the clay is leather hard I carve, abstract and then it is developed and evolved over time. The finished work is often very different from my original intention. I let the clay talk to me allowing my imagination to take over.
I love the process of transforming clay into expressive figurative works. My works are sometimes individuals, couples, families or tabloids involving multiples. I endeavour to make connections to real life. I create bodies of work such as a series on dance, fear, contemplation and my latest works are on family.
My family and their journey through the many stages of life inspire my latest body of work. One work that I am presently enjoying working on is called ‘Father and Child”. I am endeavouring to create an image of strength and masculinity that contrasts and emphasises the helplessness of a tiny baby.
My present work is cold finished using artists paints applied with a brush then removed with a soft cloth then the process is repeated until I achieve the desired surface.
In our technology filled world I am influenced and inspired by many different things. I find that I am bombarded with images of social, political and cultural issues and my mind is continually planning and refining ideas. I love the translating inner vision to a sculptural reality.